life coaching sussex

Life Coaching

Life Coaching 

Life Coaching with Chantry Health based in Carmarthenshire & Ceredigion, Wales, offering online consultations nationally and internationally via Skype and WhatsApp.

What is Life Coaching?

Life coaching offers people a supportive and non-judgmental space in which to explore and develop ways to move forwards in their lives. This may be to explore avenues for our own personal development, or there may be specific areas where we feel frustrated, and life coaching can offer an effective resource to help in making changes.

Typical examples of areas where people may find this to be supportive include:

  • Exploring our life’s direction
  • Creating work/life balance
  • Improving our health – working with reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, increasing fitness, etc.
  • Developing our creativity
  • Balance and harmony in our relationships
  • Setting up new projects at home and work

The Life Coaching Process

Initial Appointment

It can be helpful to have a brief free of charge appointment to see if we think my approach might suit you and what you are working with.

Coaching Sessions 

In the first session we would consider and clarify your goals and the time frames involved, which would help in generating an overview of how we would work together and the timing of sessions. From there we can start to work with the areas you wish to explore.

Online Coaching Consultations 

Online Sessions via Skype / WhatsApp are usually one hour duration – although where it would be helpful, we can arrange a longer initial session.

A limited number of concessionary rate places and flexible fee packages are available within my practice – details available upon request.

Contact me for full details and to see if my approach would suit you.