Menopause is an area that women often know little about until they are in the zone. Even then it can be hard to find genuinely positive and supportive information. It can be incredibly helpful to find out more about what is happening at this point in our lives. How to support ourselves through and beyond this time of transition. A lovely group shared a day at my natural alternatives at the menopause workshop at St Mary’s Church Hall in Lewes.
Workshops About Natural Alternatives at the Menopause
Our Workshop Day in Lewes
We had a super mix of practitioners from different disciplines. Some looking to be able to offer their patients and clients more support at menopause. And there were also women who just wanted to know more about how to help themselves.
In the morning we looked at what is actually happening hormonally at menopause. And the different pharmaceutical treatment options offered. We then also began to weave in different strategies for support. Considering natural alternatives: remedies, herbs, dietary and lifestyle measures.
After lunch we considered how one can offer support as a practitioner, or as self-help. Covering a range of topics including hormonal balancing to support short term issues like hot flushes as well as long-term health, osteoporosis and more.
One area that we explored is the opportunity for menopause to offer some positives! In Chinese Medicine menopause is called a woman’s second spring. If you are reading this in the midst of wild and difficult symptoms you may find this hard to believe. But finding support strategies that suit you can make a positive difference for many women.
And thank you for people’s lovely feedback. Here are some of the kind words people said about the day.
“This was an excellent day that covered very clearly and fully natural alternatives at the menopause with great sensitivity and care.” M.B. West Sussex
“For such a complex, complicated and confusing subject Lynne makes it accessible, enjoyable and you feel empowered by the information. She is also a very entertaining, warm and engaging teacher.” A.M. East Sussex
“I have been looking forward to attending Lynne’s course on the menopause, especially since reading her handbook. I have found the day very helpful and informative and look forward to using in practice.” T.C. Surrey
As Always There is Time for Tea…and cake!
One really positive part of a workshop day can be meeting other women. Sharing experiences, support and ideas. I like to make these days really enjoyable. So along with tea, biscuits and cake, there are handout folders to save some of the note taking. There is information about menopause to be found on my website too.
It was lovely to spend the day with such a great group of women from Lewes and further afield. Thank you all.
“At menarche a young woman enters her power, throughout her menstruating years she practises her power and at menopause she becomes her power.” [1]
I run Natural Alternatives at the Menopause Workshops in Lewes and also offer one-to-one appointments at clinics in Lewes and Barns Green, and via Skype. Please see the Chantry Health Events page for information on future workshops, and feel free to contact me for more information or with any queries – thank you.
[1] Native American saying from The Wild Genie by Alexandra Pope