Christmas means different things to us all. And even if you love it, there can still be plenty of challenges! Here are some suggestions for a Christmas survival tool kit to help you get the most out of this time and beyond.
Your Christmas Survival Tool Kit
Surviving and Enjoying Christmas – a Christmas Survival Tool Kit
Is it me or is Christmas arriving earlier and earlier every year? So before the first “official” day of the twelve arrives, here is a Christmas survival tool kit. Aiming to offer you ideas and resources to tide you over the Christmas season.
Choose the Best Version You Can
However you are spending Christmas, there might be things you would like to change but cannot. Whatever your situation and however this year has unfolded for you, there may be challenges.
This Christmas you may be working, visiting or providing a wonderful time for your family and friends. Or it may be that Christmas is taking a bit of a back seat for you this year. Either way, it is still important to take care of yourself, family and friends at this time.
If it helps, imagine you are new to the whole experience of Christmas. How would you approach it? What could you change to make this a happier, more restorative and meaningful time?
Tricky Subject Swear Box!
Whilst it is still a wonderful world, the ongoing difficulties here and further afield can create scope for some lively if not heated discussions around the Christmas dinner table. If you feel life would be more harmonious taking a festive break from certain topics, maybe consider using a swear box and use the funds for something fun or useful.
The Three Unwise Gifts
The three wise men did not bring alcohol, caffeine or sugar as gifts! With good reason. They each create highs and lows in mood and energy creating a rollercoaster. Amid all the Christmas excitement it can be easy to wonder why you are struggling until you consider what you have been expecting your body (and mind!) to run on.
Self-Care at Christmas
Even if you manage to dodge some of the three unwise gifts most people will find Christmas can bring a range of dietary and lifestyle challenges. There are many homeopathic remedies that can offer support for Christmas woes. And if your nose is sore and as red as Rudolph’s there are also lots of useful remedies for colds and flu as well as support for coughs.
Your Christmas Survival Tool Kit for Silent Nights!
A cocktail of the three unwise gifts and changes in our routine can also make it a series of unholy nights. Which can take their toll on the days. You might find some useful tips in this interview I did a while ago – BBC Radio Interview about Help with Sleep.
You can also find information about self-help Homeopathy for Insomnia. If this is a long-term or persistent issue for you do contact me as it may be that you might benefit from a more individually tailored approach and some deeper acting remedies.
Avoid Ding Dongs – Take Time Out
It can get a bit intense! Taking time out that can really help reduce the pressure cooker effect. Having a change of scene can freshen up things. You may benefit from time for yourself to recharge batteries if that is what you need. Whether it is for you or different family members, see what you can factor in to give everyone breathing space or a change of pace if they need it.
Get Active & Go Outside
With the short days and winter weather it can be hard to find time to be outside. But you can make mid-winter less bleak by walking in a winter wonderland in your local area, park or countryside.
Depending upon what is open and available in your area over the holidays it can be great to support your local shops, amenities and attractions. Whether it is for fitness, social or supporting our local independent shops, restaurants, pubs and cafes. Find out too about options for the new year and beyond.
Focus on the Positives for a Christmas Survival Tool Kit
Sometimes we can get very caught up in the busyness and aspired to perfection of a modern Christmas. If there are things that are exactly how you love them to be that is wonderful. There may be aspects that are genuinely difficult or less than perfect, and without diminishing those, it can help to focus on what you do have in your life that is positive.
Reaching out to those who may be on their own, unwell or struggling is so important. Whilst we are not all in the same boat, we may well be in the same storm. Being generous with our time and kindness can add depth to our appreciation of our lives all year round, as well as at Christmas.
Wishing you all a happy, healthy and restorative Christmas with this ancient carol ‘Ar Fore Dydd Nadolig’ (On the Morning of Christmas Day). This is sung beautifully by Siân James and could be the oldest Welsh Carol surviving with words and music.
Hoping too that the new year brings you all your wish for.
Chantry Health is based in Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion in Wales, and I also work online nationally and internationally. I offer a free mini-consultation so we can see if we think my approach might suit you. Please do contact me.
Thank you meanwhile, and all good wishes.